This paper introduces the concept of Conjectural Link for Complex Networks, in particular,
social networks. Conjectural Link we understand as an implicit link, not available in the
network, but supposed to be present, based on the characteristics of its topology. It is
possible, for example, when in the formal description of the network some connections
are skipped due to errors, deliberately hidden or withdrawn (e.g. in the case of partial
destruction of the network).
Introduced a parameter that allows ranking the Conjectural Link. The more this
parameter - the more likely that this connection should be present in the network.
This paper presents a method of recovery of partially destroyed Complex Networks
using Conjectural Links finding.
Presented two methods of finding the node pairs that are not linked directly to one
another, but have a great possibility of Conjectural Link communication among themselves:
a method based on the determination of the resistance between two nodes, and method
based on the computation of the lengths of routes between two nodes.
Several examples of real networks are reviewed and performed a comparison to know
network links prediction methods, not intended to find the missing links in already formed