Dmytro Lande,
Anatolii Feher,
Leonard Strashnoy
Research of Networks of Cyber Security Subjects by Means of Generative Artificial Intelligence
// Selected Papers of the XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Information Technologies and Security" (ITS 2023) Kyiv, Ukraine, November 30, 2023.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( - Vol-3887. - pp. 21-34. ISSN 1613-0073.
The study of cyberwarfare as a concept is becoming an increasingly relevant area, using various
approaches from identifying its components and dependencies to full-fledged conceptual forecasting using
generative AI, which creates new opportunities for building capacious analytics. The article presents a
methodology for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of NER processing of large data sets on the
example of news clippings and articles on the topic of Israeli cyberspace attacks and explores the
possibilities of using GPT for contextual prediction within the framework of peripheral associative series
of the semantic network.
cyberwarfare, semantic networks, prediction modeling, linguistics, N-GRAM, GTP, NER