Балагура ╤.В.,
Ланде Д.В.,
Крючин А.А.
Визначення груп експерт╕в на основ╕ анал╕зу б╕бл╕ограф╕чних покказник╕в
Б╕бл╕отека. Наука. Комун╕кац╕я: актуальн╕ тенденц╕╖ у цифрову епоху : матер╕али М╕жнар. наук. конф. (Ки╖в, 8-9. жовтня 2019 р.) / НАН Укра╖ни, Нац. б-ка Укра╖ни ╕м. В. ╤. Вернадського,
Асоц. б-к Укра╖ни, Рада дир. б-к та ╕нформ. центр╕в - член╕в МААН. - Ки╖в, 2019. - Т. 1. - С. 428-432.
The structure and algorithms of scientometric services for the determination of experts among scientists
characterized by active collaboration in scientific collectives and significant scientific contribution
from selected topics for solving individual problems from different fields of scientific activity are
considered. It is proposed to define expert groups on the basis of databases of scientific publications
by means of forming and analyzing networks of co-authors and terms on chosen topics. Detection of expert
groups can be accomplished by defining clusters in co-authoring networks.
Keywords: scientometric , scientometric services, expert groups, networks of co-authorship, clusters